Opal designs deliver high quality projects. The company has developed strong relationships with premium builders. We manufacture and install Architectural Cladding Systems using a range of products including aluminium composite material or ACM as it’s also known. It is a light weight facade panel that lends itself to a variety of manufacturing techniques, solid aluminium, stainless steel and glass. Also specialise in rolled and curved panel works.
We offer comprehensive design advice covering issues ranging from panel layout to optimise sheet usage, bracket and framing systems, through to access requirements.
Our team of experienced Project Managers & Supervisors which follow each project through ensuring a clear focus on a quality outcome and timely completion.
All installations are done by our own team of tradespeople, which eliminate the need for this work to be subcontracted out. Another key advantage is that all manufacturing is done in house. Using CNC overhead router for composite panel work, and heavy duty precision mitre saws.
Our precision work both in manufacturing and installing cladding is well appreciated by our clients.